blotting pad ballerina

R 795.00

Guaranteed not to dance out of line: the moll plotting pad Ballerina.

The plotting pads from moll protect the desk and provide a comfortable surface to rest on when writing and drawing. Thanks to non-slip 1.5 mm thick cellular rubber, the writing pad stays in place even when the tabletop is slanted.

The motifs of the plotting pad bring complex subject matter closer in a playful way and convey learning content in a child-friendly manner.


Width x height: 60 x 42 cm

Delivery Time: In Stock: 3-5 days


moll explains the blotting pad

moll schenkt Vertrauen


Moll Qualität 80x80 1 Moll Nachkauf 80x80 1Moll GSMoll blauer Engel 80x80 1Moll AGR Guetesiegel Moll einfache montage 80x80 1 Moll made in germany 80x80 1


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